History of changes
5.9.0 26/01/2022
- Added translator DeepL
- SmartClick has changed the F1.... F9 to buttons 1...9
- Improved layout switching
- Improved OCR
5.8.5 27/10/2021
- Added the ability to import and export data
- Added the ability to assign a default layout for any application
- Fixed Bing translator
- Fixed translator Promt
- Fixed problem with windows in translator
- Improved work of switching layouts
- When saving screenshots, a name is added
5.8.3 09/08/2021
- Fixed behavior of the translator window after text recognition
- Fixed switching of the layout of the selected text
- Fixed updating the database of old versions of the program
5.8.2 03/08/2021
- Fixed dark theme
- Improved work of switching the layout of the selected text
- Improved the work of the auxiliary window SmartClick
5.8.1 27/07/2021
- Fixed issues when switching layouts
- Fixed saving functions in exclusion programs
5.8.0 23/07/2021
- Fixed problems with disabling the program
- Fixed issues when switching layouts
- Fixed issues with hotkeys
- Fixed problem with spell check
- Fixed a problem with the translation services
- Fixed problem with finding and replacing text
- Fixed issue with switching layouts for Hebrew
- Fixed problem of unavailable database
- Added Arabic language support to the translator window
- Added spell checker in the main window
- Added the ability to edit paths and window titles in exclusions
- Added support for password entry fields, they will not automatically switch layouts and diary
- Added the ability to disable accounting for the frequency of snippets use
- Removed animation in the main window
5.7.0 12/03/2021
- Added automatic closing of the SmartClick window
- Added the ability to disable all functions in the full-screen app
- Added the ability to edit exclusion
- Added the PROMT translator
- In the main window, the translation now works after paste text from the clipboard
- Fixed correction CapsLock if the program is in exclusion
- Fixed the function of changing the case of the first letter
- Fixed an issue where switching the layout does not work after pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete
- Fixed the Greek language for auto-switching the layout
5.6.2 08/12/2020
- Fixed activation of the trial period
5.6.1 03/12/2020
- Fixed Google translator
5.6.0 24/11/2020
- Added the ability to add selected text to snippets
- Added the ability to set the language for switching layouts when inserting a snippet
- Added the ability to switch automatically the keyboard layout only after typing the whole word
- Added the ability to add to exclusions by window title
- Improved text recognition function
- Translator fixes
5.5.6 14/10/2020
- Fixed license verification
- Fixed spell check
- Added license information
5.5.5 03/09/2020
- Fixed an error when initializing spell checking when typing text
- Fixed area selection in text recognition
- Added grouping by day in clipboard and diary
5.5.3 27/07/2020
- Fixed switching of keyboard layout
- Improved the work of the Bing translator
5.5.2 23/07/2020
- Fixed error when activating the program
- Fixed an error when starting the program
- Improved the work of the diary
5.5.1 30/06/2020
- Fixed setting to enable auto switch layout
5.5.0 29/06/2020
- Added the ability to select layout switching methods
- Added the ability to switch the layout by right clicking on the layout indicator
- In the small window SmartClick added a display of the number of selected characters
- Fixed an error when assigning the ScrollLock key
- Fixed errors that caused the program to crash
5.4.2 11/06/2020
- License agreement updated
5.4.1 08/06/2020
- Fixed spell check
5.4.0 04/06/2020
- Fixed a bug when the program starts
- Fixed snipping for OCR
- Fixed spell checking
- Improved SmartClick function, added text insertion button
- Fixed Yandex translator
- Fixed Bing translator
- The Multilect translator has been removed
- Improved layout switching
- Removed the function of copying and pasting text from the clipboard using mouse buttons
- Added the ability to add replacement text starting with a space in the Snippets
- Fixed bug when saving the clipboard
- Fixed a problem with autorun of the program
- Fixed an issue when assigning the left Ctrl as a hotkey
- Added transliteration of text from Latin to Russian
- Fixed switching of keyboard layout for the German language
- Added the ability to select functions in SmartClick
- Added the ability to turn on sound when copying
- Added the ability to manually sort Snippet
5.3.0 27/11/2019
- Added new language localization - Portuguese
- Added the function to search and replace text in selected text
- Added a function to disable switching the keyboard layout if the keyboard layout was change manuall
- Improved the function of framing selected text
- Changed feature short link now links are created by using tinyurl service, and the reverse conversion is supported for multiple services (goo.gl, tunyurl, bit.ly etc.)
- Search shortcut window (clipboard, diary snippets) as you press Tab instead of the F3
- Fixed Bing translation service
- Fixed loss of punctuation, a translator from Yandex
5.2.0 21/10/2019
- Added list of all hotkeys in settings
- Improved layout switching mechanism
- Improved stability of the program
5.1.0 25/09/2019
- Fixed snipping for OCR
- Fixed a problem adding the Windows Store programs as an exclusion
- Fixed problem setting hotkeys
- Fixed a problem pasting text in some languages
- Fixed problem launching a second instance of the program
- Many other fixes and improvements
5.0.0 07/08/2019
- Added text recognition (OCR)
- Added sub window when selecting text in SmartClick
- Added new features for framing text, you can use any characters
- Fixed translator
- Fixed loss of focus when opening the clipboard manager, diary, translator and snippets forms
- Fixed problem with mouse when enabled SmartClick
- Fixed pasting text from clipboard manager
- Fixed switching layouts
- Many other fixes and improvements
4.2.2 28/05/2019
- Fixed crash program when opening
- Changed colors for layout indicator
- Fixed Italian localization
- Fixed speed of opening program settings
- Fixed auto-update
4.2.0 23/05/2019
- Fixed layout switching
- Fixed clipboard manager
- Added button to change languages in the translator
- Added Italian and Ukrainian translation of the program interface
- When creating and editing a snippet made a convenient mechanism for adding existing tags
- Added the ability to select a set of keys to replace the text in the spell check window
- Added various colors to the text indicator of the current keyboard layout
- Added search in snippets
- Many bugs fixed
4.1.0 26/03/2019
- Added new translation service Multillect
- Fixed auto-switch layout for one and two letter words
- Fixed search in snippets
- Added setting to turn off saving images in the clipboard manager
- Added setting in programs-exclusion for turning off saving images in the clipboard manager
- Added the ability to close the translator window by pressing Esc
- Added the ability to select all objects in the quick access window by Ctrl+A
4.0.0 12/03/2019
- Added support for images in the Clipboard manager
- Added function to disable the program by hot key and from the SystemTray menu
- Changed the appearance of the main window
- The function of switching the layout has become PRO
- Spelling check while typing now FREE
- Fixed switching layout when the first letter was not changed
- Optimized the work of auto-switching layouts
- Added the ability to assign keys to switch keyboard layout to a specific language
- Changed exception system for language pairs in layout switching
- When checking the spelling of typed text, the F1...F12 keys are replaced to 1...9
- Trial period extended to 40 days
3.0.0 13/08/2018
- Redesigned system for assigning hot keys for all functions
- Added the ability to set additional mouse keys as hot keys
- Added the ability to save the data file at the selected path
- Added the ability to change visual themes, dark and light theme, a variety of colors
- Added Help button to each settings section
- Added a button to delete all settings and program data (Settings - About - Reset all program settings)
- Added new languages
- Added the ability to close the translator window using the Esc button
- Added the ability to select translation languages in the translator window
- Added a button that opens the source translation site with the current text
- Fixed working with Google Transalte and Bing Translator services
Spell checker
- Added the ability to close the spell check window by pressing Esc
- Added the ability to check the spelling of the entered text (only windows 8 and above)
- Added the ability to change the sound spell check of the input text
Switching of keyboard layout
- Added the ability to leave the text selected after changing the keyboard layout for the selected text
- Added the ability to change the sound of switching layouts
- Fixed switching of keyboard layout for MS Office, Steam and Adobe
- Fixed switching of keyboard layout for certain languages using IME
- Fixed last word layout switching operation when more than two languages are installed
- Improved layout switching algorithm
- The function of changing the case of selected text has been moved to the section "Text converter"
Auto-switch layout
- Auto-switch layout function is now only in PRO version
- New ability to add auto-switching rules only after confirmation (a window pops up next to the word you enter with the proposal to create a new rule)
- Added the ability to change the number of manual switch layout of the word to automatically add to the rules
- Improved algorithm for auto-switching layouts
Layout Indicator
- Added the status indicator of the CapsLock key
- Added a new floating window - the indicator of the layout
- Added ability to change the size of the indicator of the layout
- Added the ability to hide the layout indicator in programs running in full-screen mode
Clipboard manager
- Added the function to save clipboard history window size
- Added filter by the programs in the clipboard manager in the main window
- Fixes the work of the clipboard manager
- The new function Snippets instead of Autoreplace, with the ability to specify tags and template names, as well as new forms for editing, viewing and pasting.
- Added the ability to replace text immediately when entering a replacement word
- Added function to save the size of the Snippets window
- New SmartClick window view and hotkey settings
- Added new features and functionality (see Help)
- When you select a link and open the SmartClick window, you can generate short links and Vice versa
- Fixed the work of SmartClick when selecting text with a triple mouse click
- Added the ability to translate a site on a dedicated link
- Added the ability to set a password for the Diary
- Added the ability to change the number of entries
- Added filter by programs in the diary in the main window
- Added function to save window size
Text Converter
- The converter works for selected text using hot keys or SmartClick
- Added converter of numbers and dates to strings, evaluation of expressions
- Added the ability to transliterate the selected text, works with any language
- Added the ability to frame the selected text with quotes
- Added changing the case of selected text (all to upper case, all to lower case, inverting case)
2.4.0 07/12/2015
- A new mechanism for switching the layout depending on the version of Windows
- Added password recovery function to license PRO version
- Added function to translate the text immediately after selecting
- Added the ability to change the font for the translation windows
- Added the ability to auto-switch layout after pressing the Enter button
- Added the ability to remove all selected entries from the list of auto-switching and AutoCorrect
- AutoCorrect can consider the case of the letters
- Fixed loss of focus when you change the layout or case of the selected text when renaming files
- Changed the mechanism of the auto switching layouts
- Fixed behavior when switching of layouts on Ctrl, Shift, etc.
- Changed the method of obtaining the coordinates of the mouse pointer in the layout indicator
- Changed the method of getting selected text
- Changed the function clipboard monitoring
- Fixed auto switching layouts after Backspace
2.18.0 07/11/2017
- Fixed hotkey settings
- Fixed viewing of RTF format in clipboard history
- Reduced memory consumption and improved performance
- Fixed a program with diacritical marks
- Added the ability to run the application as an administrator (configured in the main settings when the program is started as administrator)
- Added the ability to select the text in the clipboard history, history of translations and a diary with subsequent copying snippets of text
- Auto-switching fixed for words beginning with quotes
- Added the ability to insert text by pressing the number key from the quick access to the history of the clipboard, diary and AutoCorrect
- Added the ability to select the languages to switch the layout
- Added a column with rules for all layouts to the list of auto-switching rules
- Added the ability to specify the maximum size of the clipboard history
- When you copy a file in the clipboard history is saved the path to it which you can paste using the shortcut keys to insert text without formatting
- Redesigned window for quick access to the history of the clipboard, diary, AutoCorrect, added the ability to lock a window so it does not close, added a button to enter the settings, also the window now never takes a focus
- New function added - the conversion of numbers and dates to strings depending on the current layout, added ability to calculate mathematical expressions.
- Fixed many bugs, optimized some functions
2.10.0 07/11/2016
- Optimization of the switching layouts
- Added the ability to specify a new hot key for the AutoReplace
- Fixed changing the layout of the selected text by selection with Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right
- Fixed turn off of auto-switch layout function
- Fixed incorrect work of the program in console applications on Windows 10
2.0.0 21/07/2015
- Auto switch keyboard layout
- The history of translation
- The history of the text input
- Monitor the clipboard and the ability to paste text without formatting
- Function SmartClick
- The sound when switching language
- Voice of the translated text and the original text
- Automatic updates for Portable version
- The PRO version, which when activated are available auto switch, clipboard, diary, and history of translation
1.0.0 31/12/2014
- Added switching the keyboard layout
- Added action window for the middle mouse button
- Added status flag of keyboard layout for the mouse cursor
- New hotkeys
- New setting menu
- Various enhancements
0.4.3 03/03/2014
Initial release for Windows